2014 Faulkner Literary Competition plays presented at 2015 Riverfest event
As part of Faulkner Month in New Albany/Tallahatchie Riverfest, the Tallahatchie River Players gathered together Saturday afternoon amidst the Tallahatchie Riverfest excitement in the Magnolia Civic Center to present some of the 2014 Faulkner Literary Contest winners.

CYBEREYES: (L: to R) Bobby White, Carol Hovland, Tony Brooks, Peggy Russell, Evelyn Mason, Jana Brooks
TRP players presented a portion of a production called Cybereyes, written by Amy Cuomo and directed by TRP chairperson, Evelyn Mason. The cast remained seated during the production, acting primarily using their voices and facial expression, along with a few hand gestures. The story was modern-day cyber hacking and company embezzlement with a surprise ending.
Following Cyberyes, the receptive audience was wowed by Bill Gault’s portrayal of a character named Sam Houston, an elderly widowed man, in a play named Rhubarb, written by Deanna Graves and directed by Tim Burker.
Rhubarb was a nostalgic love story set in what appeared to be the early 19th century with the location being a county fair midway. It was a tear jerker, with a surprise twist, which culminated in the two main characters, Sam and his wife, being united in eternity.
For information about the Faulkner Competition: Faulkner Competition website