2021 Itawamba Community College Homecoming Court
Members of the 2021 Itawamba Community College Homecoming Court include, front, from left, Tupelo Campus Sophomore Maid Lexie Kent of New Albany; Tupelo Campus Sophomore Maid Grace Beck of Guntown; Queen Bricelyn Morris of Nettleton; Fulton Campus Sophomore Maid Haley Dean of Saltillo; Fulton Campus Sophomore Maid Emma Cate Sparks of Saltillo; back, Tupelo Campus Freshman Maid Skylar Breland of Ripley; Tupelo Campus Freshman Maid Brooklyn O’Connor of Aberdeen; Fulton Campus Freshman Maid Emma Grace Allen of Fulton; and Fulton Campus Freshman Maid Zoe Bigham of Philadelphia.
The court will be recognized during halftime of the ICC/Jones College football game, which begins at 6:30 p.m., Sept. 23, at Lambert Stadium/Eaton Field at the Fulton Campus as well as at several activities during Homecoming week.