7 rural Oregon counties want to join Idaho – National & International News – FRI 21May2021

7 rural Oregon counties want to join conservative Idaho. Farmers cash in big on climate initiative. Biden hopes to lead recovery in Gaza.


7 rural Oregon counties want to join conservative Idaho

Seven rural Oregon counties have recently passed ballot initiatives that require county officials to promote and discuss secession to Idaho. The counties of Malheur, Sherman, Grant, Baker, Lake, Union and Jefferson are in southern Oregon bordering either Idaho or California. If the counties were to join Idaho, landlocked Idaho would have direct access to the Pacific Ocean.

Citizens for Greater Idaho, who have organized the initiatives, say both states would benefit from the switch. Less Republican representation in Salem would mean less political deadlock in Oregon. Idaho, meanwhile, would gain a huge swath of land and a boost in population. The 7 Oregon counties are part of the state’s rich timber country and also has mining and agricultural interests.

Even advocates admit the move is a long shot. Not only would Idaho and Oregon have to agree to the switch, it would need approval from Congress as well. The organizers say that, should they succeed, they would then campaign to get some conservative-leaning northern California counties on board as well.

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Farmers cash in big on climate change initiative

Climate experts have said that by keeping cover crops on their fields year-round rather than leaving bare fields in the winter, farmers can help to reduce carbon gases in the air that are warming the planet. The practice is also good for the soil and can help to boost cash crop yields. Firms like Indigo Agriculture help farmers to buy carbon credits for “storing” carbon on their fields.  

For years, Ohio Farmer Roy Clifton has been growing cover crops of rye and rapeseed to maintain the health of his soil and keep down erosion. Now, Clifton has signed a contract that will pay out $175,000 over 5 years to keep crops on his 3000 acres year-round. Clifton says, “If you can get something green on the ground year-round, you’re feeding the microbes in the soil and it’s a lot healthier. And if somebody wants to pay you to do that, it looks to me like you’re foolish not to do it”.

Click here for the full story (opens in new tab).



With ceasefire at last, Biden hopes to lead recovery in Gaza

Israel and Hamas have agreed a ceasefire after 11 days of fighting. Both sides have declared victory. The decision was an abrupt about face for Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, who had publicly rebuffed President Biden’s call for de-escalation just a day before. 

Just hours before Netanyahu convened the Political Security Cabinet to approve the ceasefire, Israeli Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken that Israel needed another few days to complete its mission in Gaza. Blinken apparently informed his Israeli counterpart that Washington’s willingness to continue providing Israel with political cover at the UN was dwindling. 

President Biden now says he intends to lead an international effort to rebuild Gaza. The effort is expected to cost several $billion to restore Gaza’s education and health systems along with basic infrastructure. Since the last major shelling campaign in 2014, many Palestinians in Gaza have been stuck in temporary shelters. This was because promised international aid didn’t materialize and Israel’s longstanding blockade of Gaza prevent building materials getting in.

Click here for the full story (opens in new tab).


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