E-911 calls to Union County Jan. 11-17 involve bald eagle
(Does not include 23 traffic stops or fire, medical or coroner calls)
Monday, Jan. 11:
3:24 a.m. – Stock room burglar alarm on Virginia Way.
5:57 a.m. – Car in ditch on CR 47.
6:55 a.m. – Disturbance on CR 47.
9:55 a.m. – Accident on Hwy. 178 East.
10:09 p.m. – General complaint at 1 Hazel Lane. Subject lives here. Grey Chevy Impala.
Tuesday, Jan. 12:
2:59 p.m. – Caller on CR 73 wanted officer to go with them to get property.
4:11 p.m. – Caller advised of accident on CR 253.
4:40 p.m. – Caller advised someone living in abandoned house on Hwy. 348.
5:55 p.m. – Report of stolen car at Pinedale Store. 2012 White Dodge Avenger.
6:28 p.m. – Caller on CR 205 advised a white male wearing a camo coat, hat and jeans walking around suspiciously in the area of CR 205 and CR 119.
7:22 p.m. – General complaint on CR 213.
8:13 p.m. – Caller on Hwy. 9 South advised subjects have been following him and are at trucking company on Hwy. 9 South.
Wednesday, Jan. 13:
7:20 a.m. – ADT reported residential burglar alarm on CR 121 showing hallway motion, alarm company was unable to contact the homeowner with the two numbers they have on file, advised SO units.
8:55 a.m. – New Albany Middle School resource officer needs welfare check on student on CR 134. Hasn’t been to school since it started back from being off during the holidays. Advised SO units.
9:12 a.m. – Resident on Jolly Road needs to make a report on a scam.
1:41 p.m. – Mile south of intersection of CR 238 and CR 153, maroon extended cab Dodge truck sitting in middle of road. Ignition punched out of it and garbage in it, looks abandoned.
2:45 p.m. – Caller’s on Hwy. 348 neighbor is subject on Hwy. 348 and she wants a welfare check done on him. His front door has been wide open at his residence for a couple of weeks. Advised SO units.
3:45 p.m. – Caller on CR39 advised a six-year-old subject has gone missing. Last seen 30 minutes ago. Got mad and hid under bed and ran off. Wearing black pants, no shoes, unknown shirt.
8:38 p.m. – Caller advised female on Hell Creek Bridge on CR 278 past old Taylors thinks the missing girls’ clothes are in the creek.
8:41 p.m. – Caller advised of a male subject walking on the bridge on CR 47.
10:46 p.m. – Caller on CR 213 advised someone was texting her rude things.
Thursday, Jan. 14:
2:11 a.m. – Rear sales motion burglar alarm on Hwy. 178 West.
5:27 a.m. – Caller advised of an accident in the parking lot at Toyota. Gray Cadillac SRX.
5:32 a.m. – Stock room motion alarm at TSC.
7:37 a.m. – Caller on CR 32 wants officers to come out. Brother won’t give him the keys. He has had them for two weeks now.
8:12 a.m. – Two-car accident on CR 86. No injuries, no entrapment.
8:17 a.m. – Accident on Crossover Road. Black van, White Explorer, no injuries.
8:18 a.m. – Caller at S and A Industries needs to report accident with bald eagle. No ambulance needed. Notified SO units and Fish and Wildlife.
8:58 a.m. – Caller on CR 32 wants officers to come out to residence again. Brother is harassing him.
9:23 a.m. – Subject’s daughter needs an officer to go to his resident on CR 121. He received a call saying they were with Medicaid and would be at his residence between 9:30-10 today.
10:51 a.m. – Interior motion living room residential burglar alarm on CR 296.
8:03 p.m. – Caller on Daltana Drive advised she needs a welfare check done on subject.
9:29 p.m. – Call from Ciao Chow that a van had hit the Rainey. No one inside.
10:05 p.m. – Caller on CR 47 advised that a subject has a gun and is threatening the caller.
Friday, Jan. 15:
7:46 a.m. – Caller on CR 278 advises a male subject is harassing her.
3:20 p.m. – Caller on CR 54 advised that someone broke into their home.
8:46 p.m. – Caller on CR 47 advised being harassed by subject.
8:48 p.m. – Female causing problems on Hwy. 349.
8:59 p.m. – Male and female fighting on Hwy. 30 West.
9:59 p.m. – Caller advised that male subject threatened and assaulted female subject.
Saturday, Jan. 16:
3:28 a.m. – Caller on CR 194 advised there was a girl at the front door trying to get into the house.
2:04 p.m. – Disturbance on CR 75.
3:16 p.m. – Complaint about neighbor on CR 88.
4:09 p.m. – Abandoned or disable vehicle on CR 255.
5:09 p.m. – Disturbance on CR 32.
11:10 p.m. – Caller on CR 115 advised that a subject is destroying the house.
Sunday, Jan. 17:
10:05 a.m. – Alarm call on CR 121.
11:14 a.m. – Accident on CR 51.
2:14 p.m. – Disturbance at Beacon Hill.
3:01 p.m. – Side by side accident on CR 32.