Train struck trailer truck at Highland St. crossing
A Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) train struck a trailer truck at the Highland St. railroad crossing in New Albany shortly after 9:30 p.m., Wednesday, July 10th.
The engineer of the westbound BNSF train said the truck was stalled — “stuck there when we came around the turn from the east.”

Before the train arrived, the truck had already struck the train signal apparatus and stopped in crossing.
Apparently the driver of the Werner Enterprises truck had already struck the railroad crossing apparatus while trying to make a near 130 degree turn from Highland onto North Central Avenue.
The engineer was able to stop the lead engine about 1,500 feet west of the collision point, immediately behind Windham TV & Appliance store.
There were no injuries. Besides the damage to the railroad crossing mechanism, there damage was to the truck’s trailer and contents.

The Werner trailer, its trailer doors missing, being escorted up North Central Avenue toward Bankhead St.
Emergency crews had mostly cleared the wreckage before midnight.