A successful bond vote will replace undesirable ‘portables’ with more suitable classrooms
We hope this article finds you in good health and high spirits. Today we are reaching out to you, our valued community members, to discuss a critical matter that will shape the future of our public schools, and, in turn, the future of our beloved communities.
Our public schools are the heart of Union County. They not only educate our children, but also serve as centers for learning, culture, and community engagement. Over the years, our schools have provided countless opportunities for our youth to learn, grow, and thrive, and they continue to be a source of pride for our community.
The Union County School District (UCSD) is one of the top rated districts in the state of Mississippi. Union County is respected by many due to our academic and athletic excellence. The UCSD has been an A district since 2017, and our students continue to excel. Our 2022 student achievement (first year post covid) revealed student proficiency to be at an all-time high, with our district being ranked 4th in the state of Mississippi. Our attendance centers ranked first, second, third, and fourth in the state. Preliminary data for the 2023 school year shows that our student achievement is continuing its positive trend, climbing to new heights, a feat that was nearly unimaginable in the midst of the pandemic.
However, like any infrastructure, our school buildings require regular maintenance, updates, and improvements to provide a safe and conducive learning environment for our students. The UCSD has been a good steward of taxpayers’ monies. It has been fifty years since the last bond was passed in Union County. The district has been able to maintain repairs and updates over the past 50 years. We are at a crucial juncture where we must address current needs to ensure that our schools continue to deliver a high-quality education.
To address these pressing concerns, we are proposing a School Bond Referendum. This referendum aims to secure the funding necessary to make vital improvements to our public-school facilities. By voting in favor of this referendum, you will be investing in the future of our students and community in several important ways:
Improved Safety: The funds will be used to enhance safety measures in our schools, including creating one point of entry and making necessary structural improvements. The funds would also be used to enhance safety on our baseball & softball fields by replacing the old wooden poles and lights with new metal poles and led lights.
Space: The funds will be used to construct or renovate much needed classrooms and restrooms.
This referendum is not just an investment in bricks and mortar; it’s an investment in our children’s future and the continued vitality of our community. By voting in favor of this referendum, you are helping to ensure that our schools remain a source of pride and excellence, attracting families to our community and enhancing property values. We understand no one wants to see an increase in their taxes. Still, we assure you that the proposed bond has been carefully designed to minimize the financial impact on our residents while addressing critical needs of our schools.
We encourage you to learn more about the School Bond Referendum, ask questions, and engage in community discussions to make an informed decision on this critical matter. The next community meeting will be on September 11, at 5:30 p.m. at the Magnolia Theater. Together we can secure a brighter future for our children and community.
Please mark your calendars for the upcoming referendum vote on September 19. Every vote counts. Your voice matters in shaping the future of our schools and community. Thank you for your continued support.
–Windy Faulkner,
Superintendent Union County Schools District
Details on what the Bond Issue will provide: https://fb.watch/mChFzTt9iW/?mibextid=2NXEJI
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