NEMiss.NEWS is a locally owned and operated online news magazine containing news, information, opinion, etc. of interest to residents of the Northeast Mississippi community. NEMiss.NEWS  evolved from the successful, which was founded in 2014 by Shivimage, LLC, of New Albany, MS, former owners of the NewAlbanyNews-Exchange. and NEMiss.NEWS  are divisions of Shivimage, LLC. began publishing in early 2015.


Attribution of content:

Most of the original content, opinion, etc. on NEMiss.NEWS  is written by the owners or by employees. Occasional guest writers’ opinion or general interest pieces are generally attributed to the author. NEMiss.NEWS reserves the right to hold authors’ names in confidence at our discretion, as long as the original author is known to us. The individual source of items from organizations, public sources, etc. will be so identified when possible.


Free Access:

NEMiss.NEWS is free. There is no charge for running non-commercial stories. There is never any cost for accessing NEMiss.NEWS .


Submitting information for publication:

Local citizens and organizations of the general Northeast MS area are encouraged to send items to be published on NEMiss.NEWS. Items can only be accepted by e-mail sent to: Name, address and daytime phone number of the person submitting the article are required.

There are no hard rules — other than common decency — about what  may be included on NEMiss.NEWS. We will do little, if any, editing.

Community news, family news, school and church news, weddings and engagements, obituaries, opinion pieces, etc. — all are welcome.  Photographs  may be attached to submitted stories (please ID those in photos, etc). Obituaries must come from a funeral home.

See our CONTACT US page for further information.


For information on advertising availability, rates and services, see our Advertising Page for details.

NEMiss.NEWS, via Google Analytics and WordPress, can provide interested advertisers with verifiable information on our audience numbers and demographics.


Our site operates on the WordPress platform.

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