Annual New Haven Center fish fry adds ground breaking
New Haven Center of New Albany hosted its annual noon fish fry for its friends and supporters Wednesday, May 20.
About 200 people attended the annual event, which was held under a tent and a permanent outdoor shelter. Although clouds threatened rain at any moment, the rain held off from the time the luncheon started at 11:30 a.m. until it was over at 2 p.m. Thus, as previously, Providence seemed to support New Haven Center, which serves special needs adults in Union County.

As has been a tradition for many years former Union County Sheriff Tommy Wilhite was the cook for the New Haven event.
A special feature of this year’s fish fry was a ground breaking ceremony for a new multipurpose building on which construction is expected to begin immediately. The new 2,100 square foot building will be build immediately east of the present New Haven building. New Haven Director Dr. Collett Cross said the goal is to have the new structure complete and ready to occupy by August.

New Haven workers and members of its board of directors took their turns at the ground breaking shovels.
New Haven clients, city and county officials, board members and other patrons and supporters of the unique school participated in the ground-breaking ritual.