April Library news: Maddens honored for long-time services to library


April Library News: The Jennie Stephens Smith Library had 3063 visitors during the month of April. New library cards were issued for 14 New Albany citizens, and 15 new library cards were issued for citizens of Union County.

For National Library Week Representative Trent Kelly posted pictures of First District libraries on his facebook page. The Union County Library staff was pictured, not just our building. Rep. Kelly was citing what a valuable resource the libraries are for Mississippians. Since our staff has been reduced for financial reasons, if anyone would like to volunteer to do storytime for children or any type of program at our library, please call Kay Sappington, Librarian at 534-1991.

Friends of the Library honored Frank and Lynn Madden at the April Luncheon with Books with the Golden Book Award for 2017 for all the work and support they have given the organization over the years. Friends of the Library has received memorials for Beulah Hawthorne who was a lifetime member of Friends of the Library. Memorials and honorariums made to Friends of the Library are tax deductible because it is 501 (c) (3) organization. Lynn Madden, 1027 CR 342, New Albany, MS 38652 is Treasurer of Friends.

If any of you have been to the Book Nook at the library to find a used or discarded book, you had difficulty finding a book. The Book Nook has now been organized in ABC order by author. The A’s are together but not in alphabetical order within the A’s. Hopefully it will be easier to find a book that you would like to read. The Book Nook is a way for the library to raise money to add new books to our collection. In the time of constant cutbacks in funds, our Book Nook is even more important. The Book Nook has fiction, nonfiction, large print, paperbacks, some audio books and movies, as well as books for children and teens..

  • The following events are scheduled for the Coker Speck Auditorium:
  • May 10 Book Club      10 AM
  • May 11 Democratic Women   2 PM
  • May 16 Luncheon with Books  11:30 AM  Mississippi author L. Sydney Fisher will discuss her book See No Evil.
  • May 18 DAR   2:30 PM
  • May 27 Library is closed for Memorial Day
  • June 1  3 PM   the Summer Reading Program “Build a Better World” begins with Bob Tarter of the Natural History Education Company of the Mid-South.

For further information, contact Barbara Fuller at bfuller3567@hotmail.com