Herbert C Hudson, 89
In memory of Herbert C Hudson, 89.
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that NEMiss.News contributed 5603 entries already.
In memory of Herbert C Hudson, 89.
City of New Albany aldermen and mayor have received a great deal of pressure to alter the vote allowing medical marijuana in the city. It remains to be seen how those under fire will respond to those who wish to over rule the votes cast by New Albany citizens and city board members.
Congratulations to Saltillo native Jamarcus Smith, who made history for the Northeast MS Community College’s football program with his second straight Academic All-America honors.
In memory of Pamela Abernathy, 50.
Services announced in memory of Lottye Betts Beasley, 89.
Services tomorrow in memory of Rona Mildred Weaver Nanney, 96.
In memory of Jimmy Long.
Services announced in memory of Jessica Marlena Graham, 38.
Services announced in memory of Patsy Ann Alred Sheffield, 80.
Services announced in memory of John Timothy “Smitty” Smithey, 60.
In memory of Oleta Yater Mauney Phillips, 92.
In memory of Lawrence “Larry” Patrick James, 69.
NEMiss.NEWS is a locally owned and operated online news magazine containing news, information, opinion, etc. of interest to residents of Northeast Mississippi.
NEMiss.NEWS was founded in 2014 and is a division of Shivimage, LLC, and began publishing in early 2015. Read more.