The Snake Dude brings his message of respect to Union County Library kids
There have been zero deaths from snake bite in Mississippi in the past 75 years. All one needs to do with any snake is take two steps back.
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There have been zero deaths from snake bite in Mississippi in the past 75 years. All one needs to do with any snake is take two steps back.
The two military men had seen the stranded motorist and returned to offer help.
Mississippi is certainly not considered to be a “wealthy” state. Nevertheless, our state has a wealth of generous people. Ty Parker is losing his battle with a rare cancer, and could some help from his fellow Mississippians.
The horse would not allow officers to get close and ranged over the large area south of I-22 and east of Hwy. 15 South.
Part of the stage work is to allow it to safely support a lift rather than having to use and move scaffolding around.
The horse had more than an estimated 100 acres to in which to run from officers.
For now, the program is only available to career and technical students.
They discussed making repairs to Carter Avenue and then over needed streets if funding allows.
The program will be Saturday, Aug. 28, at 7 p.m. at the Magnolia Civic Center.
The $30 admission includes hors d’oeuvres, a multi-course meal and an evening of entertainment where everyone tries to solve the mystery and win a prize.
The district has a larger-than-usual source of special revenue during pandemic funding.
The school board also heard from architect Gary Bailey concerning plans for new high school construction using the present buildings.
NEMiss.NEWS is a locally owned and operated online news magazine containing news, information, opinion, etc. of interest to residents of Northeast Mississippi.
NEMiss.NEWS was founded in 2014 and is a division of Shivimage, LLC, and began publishing in early 2015. Read more.