Saturday absentee voting opportunity reminder
Voters can qualify to cast absentee ballots for a variety of reasons and voting ahead only takes a few minutes.
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that NEMiss.News contributed 5673 entries already.
Voters can qualify to cast absentee ballots for a variety of reasons and voting ahead only takes a few minutes.
The student nurses have both classroom and actual work experience over the nine-week period.
Street repairs have been delayed due to difficulty in finding contractors and asphalt availability.
Rogers has compiled his photos and accompanying history on his website, www.
Robbins’ training meets National Fire Protection Association 1001 Firefighter I-II standards.
Sessions will be July 19-23 and cost including snacks and materials is $100.
This will be the sixth store for the company in North Mississippi
Local group Southern Soul and Co. and Sam Mosley with the Mosley and Johnson Band and Muscle Shoals Horns will perform Saturday night.
Services today in memory of Robert Kenneth Willard, 66.
Each of the four county schools will have a four-week Pre-K Boot Camp for about 20 students per school.
Garbage collection in the county outside the city limits will not change Monday.
Increased seatbelt use is tied to lower crash deaths but too many still die from lack of using belts.
NEMiss.NEWS is a locally owned and operated online news magazine containing news, information, opinion, etc. of interest to residents of Northeast Mississippi.
NEMiss.NEWS was founded in 2014 and is a division of Shivimage, LLC, and began publishing in early 2015. Read more.