Entries by NEMiss.News


NAHS’s Ferrell presents at 2017 At-Risk Youth National Forum

New Albany, MS– John Ferrell, New Albany High School Assistant Principal and Career & Technical Education Director, served as a presenter at the 2017 At-Risk Youth National Forum.  The forum was sponsored by the National Dropout Prevention Center (NDPC)/Network and was held in Myrtle Beach, SC February 19-22. Ferrell presented in the session “Effect of […]

Naked man hanging in a tree: many facts but no story

New Albany, MS– Following are the known facts as observed and reported by law enforcement and rescue personnel regarding an incident Tuesday afternoon, February 21, near Blue Springs: Emergency rescue personnel and equipment were dispatched from New Albany to a wooded area near Blue Springs, Tuesday at 2:36 pm. A New Albany Fire Department (NAFD) […]


NA Garden Club presents Arbor Day program at NAES

New Albany, MS- The New Albany Garden Club presented an Arbor Day program for students who are a part of the Ecotots, Young Gardeners and Youth Gardeners programs. The program was held at New Albany Elementary School on Friday, February 10. Danita Mattox provided the welcome and gave information about Arbor Day and the importance of […]


Republican Women invite public to meeting, February 27

The Union County Republican Women will meet on Monday, February 27, at 6:30 p.m. at the Holiday Inn Express, New Albany. Club President Sue Morrisson and Founding Member Nancy Frohn will bring us news of their trip to Washington, D.C., for the inauguration of President Donald Trump. The community is welcome; please join us. Refreshments […]

Mississippi forms first Public Safety Coalition

New Albany’s Deputy Fire Chief, Mark Whiteside provided the following information to NAnewsweb.com: Today I proudly announce the FIRST EVER Public Safety Coalition! Created to form one strong voice to represent all aspects of first responders in Mississippi. Our goal is to bring consensus on legislative and public safety issues, and training efforts. Members met […]


NAES 2nd grade teacher uses flexible seating in classroom

New Albany, MS- Amber Peters, a second grade teacher at New Albany Elementary School, has implemented a flexible seating arrangement into her classroom this year.   The seating arrangement includes rocking game chairs, exercise balls, a couch, a cushioned chair, and carpet spots. This month, Peters has been able to add two pedal desks to her arrangement […]


NAES kindergarteners get new in-class listening centers thanks to grant

New Albany, MS- Through the Dean Provence Endowment for Excellence in Education grant program for classroom teachers, kindergarten teachers at New Albany Elementary School now have Listen & Learn Phonics Activity Programs and Listening Centers in their classroom. This program has allowed kindergarten students to work independently in a meaningful and more enjoyable way while […]

Superintendent search consultant holds meetings to take community input

See TV 99 video of superintendent search meeting. Only the first two or three minutes of the meeting are  not included in this video. http://tv99newalbany.com/superintendant-feedback/   A meeting at 6 p.m., Monday night, February 13th, was billed as part of the search for a new school superintendent for New Albany. The meeting, arranged by the […]


Agape free clinic sets 3rd annual fundraiser

The 3rd Annual Valentine Fund Raiser for the Agape free clinic in New Albany is scheduled for February 25th. Agape’s Annual Fund Raiser is held in order to provide free healthcare for uninsured people who otherwise cannot afford basic medical care. The Agape Clinic is a non-denominational faith-based clinic. Dr. Eric Harding said at the clinic’s […]