Entries by NEMiss.News

Emergency responders called out for possible carbon dioxide poisoning

New Albany, MS- A suspected carbon dioxide (CO2) poisoning sent an ambulance and New Albany Fire Department crews to the Cash Express office on Highway 15 late Monday afternoon. Emergency personnel were dispatched to the site about 5 p.m. Fire department personnel were still investigating the problem when this photo was shot about 5:20 pm. Officials […]

Museum Moments: “The Battle of Hurricane Creek”

The public is invited to the February 2017 Museum Moments at the Union County Heritage Museum on Thursday, February 16th. Author Melvin McClure, Jr. will discuss his book “The Battle of Hurricane Creek” at noon, following an 11:30 lunch courtesy of Kappa Kappa Iota. A book signing will follow the author’s presentation. About “The Battle of […]


Luncheon with books Feb 21

Friends of the Library will sponsor Luncheon with Books at the Jennie Stephens Smith Library in New Albany on Tuesday, February 21. A light lunch will be provided by the New Albany Mother’s Club beginning at 11:30AM. In keeping with President’s Day in February, Linda Everett will discuss T.H. Breen’s book George Washington’s Journey: The […]

“Lets come together and make the playground better” –Jacob Gentry

One day, while sitting at the Park-Along-the-River watching the kids play on the old playground equipment, I asked myself the same question many people have probably asked  themselves while at the park. “Why hasn’t the park been updated yet?” I can remember sliding down the same slide that is still being used at the Park-Along-the-River playground. […]


Teachers of the Year honored by NA School Board

New Albany, MS- The New Albany School Board formally recognized Heather Ferrell for being selected as New Albany High School Teacher of the Year and New Albany School District Teacher of the Year.  Additional commendations included:  Tameri Dunnam, New Albany Elementary School Teacher of the Year; Lyndsey Dunn, New Albany Middle School Teacher of the Year; […]


Dean Provence Endowment provides resources for NAES students

Grants from the Dean Provence Endowment for Excellence in Education have provide New Albany Elementary School students with a variety of resources to stimulate and facilitate their learning process. Phonemic Awareness Software Bundle teaches through games Students in Bridget Spencer’s kindergarten class at New Albany Elementary School enjoy playing games on the interactive board that […]


School counselor gives presentation on respect to NAES students

New Albany, MS- New Albany Elementary School Counselor April Hobson conducts a classroom guidance activity on respect with third grade students during their Integrity rotation. Hobson was using The Character Chronicles curriculum and video series which focuses on trust, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship.  Hobson was awarded funding for this character education project through the Dean Provence […]


NAES 3rd grade EXCEL students prepare projects on US states

New Albany, MS- Third grade students in Mr. Glen Reeder’s EXCEL class are working on their state projects.  Each student has chosen a state to research.  Students are using non-fiction, research books about the U.S. states to help them with their project.  These books were recently purchased for the New Albany Elementary School through a library […]


NAMS student and Elvis aficionado speaks to NAES EXCEL students

New Albany, MS- Andrew Towery, a seventh grade student at New Albany Middle School, was recently the guest speaker for Glen Reeder’s 2nd & 3rd Grade EXCEL students at New Albany Elementary School.   Andrew, who is a collector of Elvis memorabilia, shared facts about Elvis with the students.   In addition, Andrew showed students a […]

Fire and rescue teams receive special training

New Albany, MS- Fire and rescue workers from around North Mississippi received a day of specialized training Monday, Feb. 6, in New Albany. Serious accidents and deaths, resulting when agricultural workers are buried in bins of corn or soybeans have increased as grain storage has increased in recent years. They are called grain entrapments. A grain […]


Dr. Sneed spoke at Baptist Union County heart luncheon

New Albany- Baptist Memorial Hospital-Union County hosted more than 100 people at a Monday luncheon aimed to raise awareness of heart disease. Cardiologist Dr. Darrell Sneed spoke to the gathering in the Fellowship Hall of Hillcrest Baptist Church. Heart disease is the leading cause of death nationwide, accounting for one in every four deaths, according to […]