Entries by NEMiss.News

Drug arrests of four locals result from NAPD traffic stops

New Albany Police have informed NAnewsweb.com  of four recent drug arrests. All of the arrests were the result of traffic stops, but were on four different days. Three of the stops/arrests were on Highway 15, one was on South Central Ave. Myrtle and Pontotoc addresses were listed for one each of the arrests, two arrests […]

Signs of New Albany, Part II: Selective enforcement, poor judgment

By R. R. Reasoner The paramount problem with the New Albany sign ordinance is its enforcement. It is inconsistent, arbitrary, and unfair. What one business is forbidden to do, another business is allowed to do. A few of the many examples of inconsistent enforcement Internally lighted signs are forbidden in the downtown (C-1) zoning area. The […]


Technology Student Association (TSA) competition winners

The TSA (Technology Student Association) State regional competition was held on Friday, February 3 at the Northeast Mississippi Community College campus in Booneville, MS. The students who placed 1st, 2nd, or 3rd will advance to State Conference in March.  Many students will also compete in state only events. TSA competition winners from the New Albany School […]


Culinary Arts program receives Dean Provence Endowment funds

The Culinary Arts program at the New Albany School of Career & Technical Education received a stand-up mixer due to funding from the Dean Provence Endowment for Excellence in Education grant program.  Instructor Anita Alef submitted the grant proposal for the additional equipment during the fall semester. The culinary arts students partnered with the Kiwanis […]


Jennie Stephens Smith Library news, February 2017

Jennie Stephens Smith Library News: For the month of January, 2017 the library had 3699 patron visits. 18 new library cards were issued for the citizens of New Albany and 22 for citizens of Union County. The Jennie Stephens Smith Library is the gateway to technology and the internet for ALL citizens of New Albany […]

MDOT: Transportation funding shortfall is public safety issue

New Albany, MS – The legislative leadership’s refusal to increase transportation funding is leading to the crumbling of the state’s roads and bridges. This is not only a road and bridge issue. It also affects Mississippi’s economic development, community growth, and public safety. At a recent press conference, Mike Tagert, North MS Transportation Commissioner, said […]

New Albany Cracker Barrel making good progress

New Albany, MS–  A  February 1st photo of the New Albany Cracker Barrel Restaurant now under construction  shows significant progress at the site. The popular restaurant chain is set to open its Cracker Barrel Old County Store’s location in New Albany in May of 2017. The Cracker Barrel Restaurant will seat 180 customers, many of whom […]