Entries by NEMiss.News


NAHS to host College Countdown Application Day

New Albany High School will be hosting a College Countdown Application Day on Tuesday, October 25th where seniors will get assistance from college admissions counselors, community members, school counselors, and other volunteers to complete college applications. This will be an exciting and helpful day as seniors plan for their future. Admissions counselors from some of our […]

PSC Presley conducts Town Hall meeting at Ebenezer Church

New Albany, MS- A church whose congregation was first formed a century and three-quarters ago was the site of a Monday night meeting about a major modern phenomenon: the Internet. About 90 people assembled at the Ebenezer Presbyterian Church near the Union-Tippah County line for a discussion with Northern District Public Service Commissioner (PSC) Brandon Presley […]

“A dirty, rotten, low-down game”

New Albany, MS– Saturday afternoon I attended the ribbon cutting for the opening of the “Trump for President” headquarters here in New Albany. In spite of the uproar that started a day earlier over a recording of Trump’s lewd and juvenile comments 11 years ago, there was a pretty good crowd at the New Albany […]

EXCEL By 5 Career Expo invites young students

New Albany, MS- EXCEL By 5/New Albany-Union County is planning a “career expo” for our city and county’s youngest students. The event will be held at the Union County Fairgrounds on October 12 from 8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. for 4 and 5-year-old children. Children will rotate through 18-20 stations to learn about career possibilities.  It is an opportunity to expose them […]


Trump headquarters to open Saturday in New Albany

Please extend to all an invitation to participate in a Ribbon Cutting for the opening of the Trump Campaign Headquarters, 501 Hwy 15 South in New Albany, Saturday, October 8th, 3 pm. Following ribbon cutting The Grand Opening is open to the public who may wish to participate and rally as supporters of Donald Trump […]


Celebration of Mississippi statehood’s bicentennial anniversary to begin during Pioneer Days, October 13-15

New Albany, MS–  Mississippi Statehood Bicentennial Celebration On December 10, 1817, Mississippi was officially recognized as the 20th state in the United States of America. In 2017 the state will have the unique opportunity to celebrate the 200th anniversary of Mississippi’s statehood with a reflection on Mississippi’s history and culture. Celebrating the upcoming Bicentennial of […]

Baptist Union County to host free community health fair

 NEW ALBANY, MISS., Oct. 7, 2016– Baptist Memorial Hospital-Union County will host a free community health fair on Thursday, Oct. 13 from 7:00 to 9:00 a.m. in the hospital’s front lobby. The event will feature a host of free screenings and preventive measures including flu vaccines; vision screenings; height, weight and body mass index; cholesterol […]

The 2016 Tallahatchie Riverfest is underway in New Albany

New Albany, MS-  One of the best festivals in Mississippi is now underway in New Albany. With a spanking-new stage added to the beautiful Park-Along-the-River venue, New Albany is ready to provide two great nights of music, along with the largest ever Arts gathering, a full midway carnival, pet parades, and, of course, lots of food […]

Culvert installation in downtown ditch promises bike trail extension

New Albany, MS- Work is nearing completion of a construction project in downtown New Albany that will turn an unhealthy eyesore into an additional recreational asset. Workers and equipment of Paul Smithey Construction Company of Tupelo have nearly finished installation of a large culvert in a 550-long open storm ditch that has run directly behind New […]