Entries by NEMiss.News

Rear-ender sends emergency equipment scrambling

New Albany, MS– Ambulances from Baptist Hospital and New Albany firemen were sent scrambling late Saturday afternoon by a report of a car, possibly afire with passengers trapped in the vehicle. There was no fire, and no one was trapped in a burning vehicle. A relatively minor “rear-ender” automobile accident on East Bankhead Street, near Beasley Funeral Home, […]

SkyWatcher Alert: Have you heard about the Black Moon?

New Albany, MS– By now you may have heard or read some of the media hype about tonight’s “Black Moon.” In its rush to make everything special and give everything its own minute of fame (the 15 minutes we used to be promised is no longer possible), there have been more words than are merited […]


NAES receives Dollar General Literacy Foundation grant

New Albany, MS —The Dollar General Literacy Foundation recently awarded New Albany Elementary School a $3,000 grant to support youth literacy.  This local grant is part of $4.5 million in youth literacy grants awarded to approximately 1,000 organizations across the 43 states that Dollar General serves. Given at the beginning of the academic school year, […]


Five area Boy Scouts earn Eagle

Luke Bolen, Lewis Creekmore, John Davis, Eli Parks, and Tucker Shannon, members of First United Methodist Church Boy Scout Troop #17 have earned the honor of Eagle Scout, the highest rank that the Boy Scouts offers. These young men were honored in a formal Court of Honor ceremony at First United Methodist Church on August […]

Pouring “ahun” in New Albany

New Albany, MS- Ahun? What is ahun — A-H-U-N ? More than a few first-time readers of William Faulkner, especially those not from the American South, have gone in vain to their dictionaries to find the word. No luck. Not even in the big ten-pound unabridged Webster’s International Dictionary. It’s still not in the most […]


Ollie Otter Teaches NAES Children to Buckle Up

New Albany, MS– Children at New Albany Elementary School now know about Mississippi’s booster seat law after a visit from a delightful furry mascot named Ollie Otter.  The law requires that children ages 4 – 7 must be in booster seats if they are under 4’9” tall or under 65 pounds. Ollie Otter says “You […]

NAES launches Recycling Wednesdays program

New Albany, MS- In collaboration with Recycle New Albany, New Albany Elementary School launched its Recycling Wednesdays program last week. Representatives from Recycle New Albany, Amy Livingston and Amy Whiteside, met with New Albany Elementary School’s Principal Jamey Wright, School Counselor April Hobson, and EXCEL teacher Ninabeth Capaning during the summer to discuss ways to expand […]

Saturday at New Albany’s 2016 Literary Fest

New Albany, MS– The closing day of the month-long Literary Fest 2016 in New Albany included a variety of activities, some of which were new to Union County. The Literary Fest centers around New Albany’s Nobel Prize winning native, William Faulkner. The focus of this year’s event was his novel, Light in August. It wasn’t […]

Literary Fest Friday photos

There was a lot of activity in New Albany today, centered around native son, William Faulkner. The 2016 Literary Fest presented a day focusing on the written, visual and spoken arts. One hundred or so fans of the written word attended the William Faulkner Competition Luncheon on Friday, September 23rd. Attendees at the luncheon, held […]


NAHS Bulldog signs to play softball with Blue Mountain College

NAHS Bulldog softball player, Kaitlyn Cavender, signed to play with Blue Mountain College on September 20.     Pictured front row l-r:   Lauren Hale, Julie Cavender, Kaitlyn Cavender, Lane Cavender, Tracy Cavender; back row l-r:  NAHS Athletic Director Shane Sanderson, BMC Assistant Coach Susannah Pugh, BMC Head Coach Tyler Herring; NAHS Head Coach Tom […]