Entries by NEMiss.News

Origins of profitable Valentine’s Day are somewhat mysterious

It is not true that Joyce Clyde Hall, founder of Hallmark Cards, created Valentine’s Day. It is true that Hallmark Cards, the company he founded in Kansas City in 1928, has enjoyed millions of dollars in sales using the name of the third century saint and martyr of that name. The Roman Catholic Church itself […]


Technology students compete in regional competition

The TSA (Technology Student Association) State regional competition was held on Friday, February 5 at the Northeast Mississippi Community College campus in Booneville, MS.  Winners include: Future Technology Teacher -2nd Place Caroline Truemper Fashion Design –1st Place Anslie Childers Alyvia Jeter Anna Kat Tate Promotional  Graphics Jacob Verrell – 4th  Place Sam Cagle – 3rd […]

Citizen’s Opinion: “The library is in dire straits”

Received February 11, 2016 Editor, NAnewsweb.com Dear Citizens of New Albany: What place in New Albany averages 5000 visitors per month? Where in New Albany can a person do genealogy research? Where can a person with no computer or internet service fill out job applications online or do job searches online? Where can a New […]


Career and Technical students compete at Delta State

The student organization HOSA (Health Occupational Students of America) recently held its district leadership competition at Delta State University in Cleveland, MS.  The New Albany Career and Technical Center at New Albany High School had thirty students to participate in the competition. Nineteen of the thirty students are eligible to compete at the HOSA state […]

Election training underway for March 8th primary election

Election workers for the March 8 primary elections have been training this week at the Union County Courthouse. About 150 of the individuals, who will be working at Union County’s 20 voting precincts, are learning how to strictly follow Mississippi and federal election laws and regulations. District 4 Election Commissioner Mike Beam has been the […]


NAES Bullpup Pride Award Winners, February 1, 2016

The following students at New Albany Elementary School received the Bullpup Pride Recognition Award because of their positive behavior during the week of February 1.                 Pictured in no particular order are: Cameron Coker, Colt Rhea, Sandler Syms, Anabell Clark, Angela Murillo, Karla Perez, Asiah Rogers, Evelyn Urzua, […]


Museum Moments to feature tales of delta bear hunts

Museum Moments  on Thursday,  February, 18, at noon,  will feature the wild and wooly big delta bear hunts in the early 1900s as scribed by James T. McCafferty, a former New Albany resident now living in McComb . McCafferty’s latest book is called “The Bear Hunter:  The Life and  Times of Robert Eager Bobo in […]

Methamphetamine: Poisoning lives and communities

  Chalk, Chrissy, Christmas tree, Crank, Crystal, Glass, Ice, Meth, Speed, Tina, Tweak, Uppers, etc.  No matter what name you use, Methamphetamine is a serious and growing problem for our community, our state and our nation. Chances are, if your life hasn’t been affected by a crystal meth addict yet, it will be. They are […]

Board of Supervisors discuss Emerald lease, February 8, 2016

Work on a county-owned building to be leased by Emerald Manufacturing Company was discussed again at the Monday meeting of the Union County Board of Supervisors. The county bought the building, previously owned by Hickory Manufacturing, utilizing a million-dollar loan from the State of Mississippi. Emerald, a Seattle, WA, based furniture manufacturer, agreed to acquire […]


Junior Auxiliary to hold charity ball

Please join us Saturday, Feb 6 at 7pm at Oaks Country Club for our second annual Winter Wonderland Charity Ball. Tickets are $35 each. Guests will enjoy a nice seated dinner and dancing to the sounds of local band Mississippi Moon.  Silent auction items include an autographed Ole Miss football, local artwork, a weekend trip to […]

Condemnation proceedings dominate city board meeting

Continuing work by the City of New Albany to clean up dilapidated buildings was the dominant subject of the city board’s February 2 meeting. A house located at 625 Martin St. and another house at 831 Forest Heights were on the agenda for hearings relative to condemning the properties. Work to condemn the 625 Martin […]