Entries by NEMiss.News


Agape Health Services to hold Valentine fundraiser banquet

It’s that time of year again. Agape Health Services will be holding their  second annual  Valentine’s Day Fund Raiser on Saturday, February 6, at 6:00 p.m. at Hillcrest Baptist Church Fellowship Hall in New Albany. Tickets are available now for $25. This year’s keynote speaker will be famed speaker and author, J.J. Jasper from American […]

Supervisors approve Union County’s four year road plan

Roads, their maintenance and improvement, often the most conspicuous work of Mississippi Boards of Supervisors, were a major part of the Union County board’s Monday agenda. Every year county boards must, by law, adopt a four-year plan for work on county roads and bridges. The plan must be re-adopted every year and may change, according […]


Bull Pup Pride Award winners, Januaryi 25, 2016

The following students at New Albany Elementary School received the Bullpup Pride Recognition Award because of their positive behavior during the week of January 25.  Pictured in no particular order are: K-2nd Grade Students    Shuniyah Coleman, Victoria Rutherford, Rosa Valtierra, Joe Waldrop, Kameron Carruthers, Carl Smith, Mackenzie Deaton, Kemp Smith, Asiah Rogers, Joseph Flores, […]

UFO over New Albany Tuesday afternoon? UPDATED

UPDATE:  Those readers who commented on our website or facebook page suggesting that the “UFO” is related to reflected lighting were, of course, correct. Investigation proved that the object was the reflection of a fluorescent light fixture in the Waffle House, through whose window the sunset photo was taken. Our favorite comment, though, was from […]


NAHS Reading Fair winners

The New Albany High School Reading Fair was held on Wednesday, January 20.  First place winners will advance to the Regional Reading Fair to be held at Lafayette County High School.  School winners are as follows:                   Individual Non-fiction Category winners l-r:  Meredith Prescott, 1st Place; Cecilia […]

Jack Reed, Sr., 1924-2016

Many have observed that the best, most qualified people don’t run for top public offices. A look at the field of Democrat and Republican pygmies squabbling and preening in this year’s presidential race seems ample proof of that opinion. I am only one of thousands of Americans to complain during the last 30 years that […]


Human trafficking program attracts 75 to Cine’

“Around the world, 27-million people are held in bondage,” according to a speaker Monday night at the  Magnolia Civic Center in New Albany. About 75 people heard Kathy Brummett, a speaker from DeSoto County, give a presentation about the alarming extent of human trafficking in the world and in the United States. Brummett told the […]

Union County Supervisors’ meeting, January 25, 2016

The Union County Board of Supervisors’ meetings may not be the most efficient I have ever witnessed, but they are certainly close. The Supervisors took just 17 minutes to work through a 15-item agenda at its Monday, January 25th meeting. Last week’s county board meeting took only 31 minutes. In a previous life I worked […]


Union County Democrats to caucus February 13, 2016

Democratic precinct caucuses will be conducted at every Union County voting precinct Saturday, February 13, 2016, at 9:30 AM in order to elect delegates and alternates to the Union County Democratic convention. All registered democratic voters should report to their precinct voting locations. For more information call Nerville Ward at 662-539-1188 or Jo Graham at […]


Career & Tech school names outstanding students

The following students have been selected as Outstanding Career & Technical Education students for the second nine weeks at the New Albany School of Career & Technical Education: (No Particular Order): Jessiana Smith, Marketing; Kaitlyn White, Oral & Electronic Communications; Mallory Neal, Health Science II; Caleb Vance, Digital Media II; Chance Betts, Drafting II; Thomas […]