Entries by NEMiss.News

MS First Lady Deborah Bryant speaks in New Albany

About a hundred people met for dinner Tuesday night in New Albany and heard Mississippi’s First Lady Deborah Bryant discuss her H.O.M.E. project. The occasion was a joint meeting of the Union County Republican Women and the Pilot Club of New Albany, at the First United Methodist Church. Bryant said the acronym H.O.M.E. stands for […]


Faulkner & Folk Art Exhibit opens September 13th

Faulkner & Folk Art Opens this Sunday At the Museum in New Albany Faulkner & Folk Art Exhibit will open this Sunday September 13 from 1;30 – 3:30 at the Union County Heritage Museum, featuring artwork from throughout the region  interpreting William Faulkner the writer as well as work interpreting his book As I Lay […]

28-year-old candidate won’t challenge his defeat by a single vote

With the November general election only two months away, all the dust is still not settled in county races. The retirement of long-time Third District Union County Supervisor Danny Jordan drew 15 candidates competing for that seat on the county board. Nine Democrats, five Republicans and one Independent were on the August 4 primary ballot, […]


NAES first graders learn about the Farmers’ Market

On Friday, August 28, first grade students at New Albany Elementary School invited local gardener Kelly Coltharp to share how she grows vegetables and participates in the local Farmers’ Market.  Coltharp shared a PowerPoint that showed how food goes from a garden to farmers market. She also shared pictures and information about the local Biscuits […]


New Albany kindergarten students enjoy a field trip around town

Kindergarten students from New Albany Elementary School enjoyed a field trip around town on Friday, September 4.  These students have been reading Miss Bindergarten Takes a Field Trip with Kindergarten.  Students took a field trip and visited some of the same places that Miss Bindergarten did in the story.  Their stops included:  Sugarees Bakery, BNA […]


Bullpup Pride Award winners, August 31st.

The following students at New Albany Elementary School received the Bullpup Pride Recognition Award because of their positive behavior during the week of August 31.  Pictured in no particular order are:                   Picture 1 (K-1st Grade Students):  Kaylee Turner, Abby Miller, Gus Payne, Zykylan Hill, Libni Sanchez, […]

Social Security Myths and Facts

There is much to know about social security and what the future holds.  Each generation has different trends and traits about how they live, and what is important to them.  However, for  baby boomers and the millennials, depending on Social Security retirement income is a fact of life. When should I draw my Social Security? […]


NAES EXCEL students garden with butterflies

Tim & Janet Burress presented an informational program to 2nd, 3rd, and 5th grade EXCEL students at New Albany Elementary School on Tuesday, September 1.  These students learned interesting information about butterflies and butterfly gardening.  Students enjoyed participating in a butterfly release at end of the presentation.                 


Bullpup Pride Recognition Awards, August 24

The following students at New Albany Elementary School received the Bullpup Pride Recognition Award because of their positive behavior during the week of August 24.  Pictured in no particular order are: Picture 1 (K-2nd Grade Students):  Logan Bowen, Jaqueline Guerrero, Hunter Henson, Josie Osorio, Asia Rooker, Isebella White, Zion Woods, Lizzie Moore, Callie Chism, Ava […]