Entries by NEMiss.News

Equipment Being Removed from Enron’s Never Completed Plant in Union County

    A large scale operation to remove turbines and other equipment from a never-completed electric power plant in rural Union County is underway.         Large cranes and other heavy equipment are at work in downtown New Albany and at the abandoned plant site on County Road 126 in eastern Union County. A supervisor for the contractor removing the equipment told nanewsweb.com […]

Faulkner in New Albany, Part One

     Dead 53 years and born 118 years ago, William Faulkner is second only to Elvis when it comes to famous Mississippians. But in New Albany Faulkner still ranks as the undisputed number one favorite son; no close seconds.     New Albany has drawn unknown thousands of visitors over the last half century who come […]

OPINION R. R. Reasoner: My Name It Means Nothing

After a hiatus of more than fifteen years and in my seventh decade, I take up the pen again to comment on politics, the economy, the social condition and anything else the sacred First Amendment allows me to say. Some teachers of rhetoric recommend using a bit of verse to open up, so, being a […]

Vintage Market Brings ‘Old Times’ to New Albany

    The sun came out Thursday afternoon, March 12, just in time for the ribbon-cutting event that commenced the grand opening of New Albany’s newest hospitality business, Vintage Market, at 127 West Bankhead. Owner Sandra Wilson and her partner Donald Poitras served refreshments to well-wishers throughout the afternoon.     Boasting the only honest-to-gosh soda fountain in New Albany, […]

New Albany Renaissance, Part I

Although many factors made it happen, downtown New Albany has undergone a notable renaissance since the Tanglefoot Trail opened in September, 2014. Mayor Tim Kent pushed contractors hard to have the new plaza at the Tanglefoot trailhead open in time for the annual Tallahatchie Riverfest September 26 and 27. Working night and day, the workers […]

Private Donation of Land Adds Miles to Cycling Trail

Enough land to  create more than three additional miles of bicycling and hiking trails within the city has been offered as a donation from a private land owner. The proposed land donation would create a corridor over three miles long, averaging about 30 feet in width, and would connect hotel and restaurant properties on Highway 30 and subdivisions west […]

Sunshine and Rising Temperatures Finally Winning Out in New Albany

    Weather contrasts are rarely so sharp as they were for the first week of March. With the first day of spring still two weeks off, and a bitter winter storm only two days past, it was a perfect sunny Saturday in New Albany.     Forty-eight hours earlier most of Union County was paralyzed with ice an inch or more thick on streets and […]

Winter Blues in Mississippi’s Hill Streets

Old Man Winter showed what is possibly the most treacherous side of his face last night, when freezing rain, sleet and gusting winds produced a heavy coating of ice throughout the New Albany area. Though I personally observed the technique of several drivers who should have stayed at home, New Albany Police Chief Chris Robertson […]

Main power circuit repaired quickly during sleet storm

 At 2 o’clock Thursday morning, March 5, during a storm of freezing rain, sleet and gusty winds, a tree fell on a power line near Stokes Grocery, breaking a line of the main power circuit serving much of northeast New Albany. Hundreds of customers were without electricity.     A line crew from New Albany Lights, Gas and Water (LGW) arrived at […]


NA Students Compete in Skills USA Regional Competition

New Albany Career and Technical students competed in the Skills USA regional competition in Senatobia MS on February 10, 2015.  Pictured (front) Quiana Scott, 2nd place-Cabinetry; Standing l-r:  Kylin Beaty & Brandon Holt, 1st Place Team-Masonry; Austin Turner, Automotive Service; Chance Betts, 2nd Place-Technical Drafting;   Michael Blankenship, 2nd Place-Architectural Drafting.  Those who placed will compete […]

Winter Falls into Union County

New Albany finally got some of the winter weather that had been predicted for several days when heavy snow started falling Wednesday afternoon, February 25, 2015. Three to four inches of snow had accumulated by 6 p.m., and relatively little snow fell in Union County after that time. The National Weather Service radar sweeps showed that most […]


BullPup Awards, February 17, 2015

The following students at New Albany Elementary School received the Bullpup Pride Recognition Award because of their positive behavior during the week of February 17.  Pictured in no particular order are:  Cieara Earl, Tiffany Hall, Lauren Hobson, Jessie Nicholson, Caroline Speck, Katie Evans, Rylie Ozbirn, Conner Greer, Bryan Betancourt, Sophie Chen, Rebecca Coltharp, Mackenzie Fooshee, […]