Baptist Union County: nation’s only hospital to achieve all Quest Award quality measures two years running
NEW ALBANY, MS- On June 1, 2016, Premier, Inc. recognized Baptist Memorial Hospital-Union County with the Quest® Award for High-Value Healthcare for providing outstanding patient care.
Only three hospitals in the nation received the award for achieving top performance in all of the areas measured in Premier’s Quest collaborative, including:
- Cost and efficiency
- Inpatient and outpatient evidence-based care
- Mortality
- Patient and family engagement
- Safety
- Appropriate hospital use
Baptist Union County is the only hospital in the nation to achieve all quality measures two years consecutively.
“Baptist Union County’s participation in the QUEST collaborative reinforces our commitment to reliably deliver the best care experience to the community we serve,” said Walter Grace, CEO and administrator of Baptist Union County. “The dedicated and caring staff and our strong physician partners are the keys to service excellence. We’re proud to receive the QUEST Award as we continue down our path of enhancing patient outcomes and health.”
Baptist Memorial Hospital-Union County team members, CEO/Administrator Walter Grace, along with Randy White, Chief Nursing Officer, and Mary Foley, Quality Manager, recently attended the national Premier conference in Maryland to accept the Quest award on behalf of the hospital.
Randy White and Mary Foley each gave presentations during the conference, and were approached by representatives of several hospitals requesting additional information on how Baptist Union County achieves success in all of the quality measures.
QUEST is a performance improvement collaborative of approximately 365 hospitals working to make health care safer, more efficient and consistently effective.
Premier Inc, is a leading health care improvement company, uniting an alliance of approximately 3,400 U.S. hospitals and 110,000 other providers to transform health care. A Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award recipient, Premier plays a critical role in the rapidly evolving health care industry, collaborating with members to co-develop long-term innovations that reinvent and improve the way care is delivered to patients nationwide.
Other prestigious awards earned recently by Baptist Union County
Baptist Memorial Hospital-Union County, the recipient of many awards and accolades, was recently recognized as one of the top 100 hospitals in the country in the category for hospitals between 100 and 400 beds. The hospital was awarded the Outstanding Patient Experience Award by Healthgrades and was named a Top Performer on Key Quality Measures® by The Joint Commission, the leading accreditor of health care organizations in America, in 2012 and 2013.
Baptist Union County offers a variety of health care services, including adult and pediatric inpatient services, labor and delivery, outpatient and laser surgery, outpatient chemotherapy services and a 24-hour emergency department in newly renovated facilities. The hospital also offers telemedicine and imaging and laboratory services, including an American College of Radiology-accredited MRI machine.
For more information about Baptist Union County, please call 662-538-7631 or visit