Visitors to this week’s Biscuits & Jam Farmers’ Market had to dodge threatened rain yesterday (August 16th). They persevered, though, and were rewarded with weather a little cooler than at some previous markets.
Biscuits & Jam changed its former Saturday mornings time slot this year, moving to Thursday evenings, 4PM to 7 PM. As always, it meets on the bank of the Little Tallahatchie River in downtown New Albany.
There are two remaining weekly market days in August, on the 23rd and the 30th. Then, this popular event will close out its 2018 season. Plan to drop by, check out the wares and enjoy this popular event before the season slips away.
Biscuits & Jam Farmers’ Market August 16, 2018:
Mmmm. There’s always delicious home made items., making it hard to choose.
Lisa James (left) of James Farm sells fresh produce every week at Biscuits and Jam.
Caroline Peters, Stefanie Hodges and Nancy Kidd represented Baptist Memorial Hospital-Union County at the August 15 Biscuits & Jam Farmers Market.
Eric Deaton supplied some ‘lectric hills’ blues sounds for the Biscuits & Jam Farmers’ Market, August 16.
Union Co. Master Gardeners work cheerfully and tirelessly for our community.
Charles Buster. of New Albany, comes to the Biscuits & Jam event to listen to the music. He took a seat near the stage where Eddie Deaton was playing his blues music on his electric guitar. Buster studied music at Mississippi State and played in the marching band. He spent a full career teaching music in the New Albany Public School system and is retired.