Boys and Girls Club plans June 8 reopening
Boys & Girls Clubs of North Mississippi (BGCNMS) has continued to reach members virtually since temporarily closing its doors, due to COVID-19 on March 18 and plans to reopen to serve members in June.
When extended school closings were announced the week following Spring Break, the organization continued to support members and families by offering 8 a.m.-5 p.m. programming in a healthy, safe environment. As recommendations from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention moved to groups of no more than ten, BGCNMS chose to temporarily close for the safety of its members and staff.
Director of Operations, Tonny Oliver, and his team of five full-time Unit Directors have worked hard to reach members virtually during the past eight weeks. With the help of part-time staff, online sessions posted on Facebook have continued to focus on key program areas of the movement – Education, Health & Wellness, Career Development, The Arts, Character & Leadership and Sports & Recreation.
“By engaging in virtual programming, we can continue to serve youth by developing, delivering and supporting positive youth development at a distance,” stated Oliver.
BGCNMS plans to begin its summer program on June 8th to support members and parents – many of which are essential workers. Each year the summer program is well attended by youth 6-18 years of age. While the programming will look different this summer due to COVID-19, the leadership of BGCNMS looks forward to a great summer filled with activities to keep members safe and engaged.
The organization recently surveyed parents on their needs during this time. Of those surveyed, more than 83% of parents feel comfortable allowing their children to return to their local Club in June. More than 86% said that an 8am-5pm program would best support their needs, as a parent.
“The Board of Directors and staff are looking forward to again serving the youth in our Clubs, starting June 8th. While following safety precautions recommended by the CDC and government officials, members will again be able to enjoy Club experiences. Access to WiFi and internet will allow them to use online educational resources and deter summer learning loss,” stated Zell Long, CEO.
The organization will implement a 1 – 10 employee/Club member ratio; only serving a maximum of 50-60 Club members at each site. They will also enforce additional safety procedures to help eradicate the spreading of COVID-19. Individual hot meals will be served daily.
The organization reached out to local leadership in each community they serve before finalizing plans to reopen. They also reviewed data of the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in each community and the size of each facility to make operational decisions for each location.
BGCNMS receives nearly half of its operating budget through individual and corporate donations and special events. The Board of Directors is in the final stages of their 2020 Annual Campaign and has reached 82% of their $200,000 goal. With the reopening of Clubs in June and plans for an after-school program beginning in August, there will be additional costs for protective equipment for members and staff which makes the completion of this campaign even more important.
“We appreciate the support of our donors, parents, partners and staff in making what we do each day possible,” stated Long.
Registration will be on a first come, first served basis. The summer fee for the Tupelo locations is $75. The summer fee for the New Albany site is $50. The summer fee for the Oxford site is $125. Fees are pro-rated for siblings within the same household.
Since housed inside a local school, the Ripely site will remain closed at this time.
Membership applications may be downloaded at: .
The application, required documentation and summer fee may be returned to local Clubhouses between 9 am and 5pm Monday -Friday.
It is the mission of Boys and Girls Clubs of North Mississippi to inspire and enable all young people to realize their full potential as productive, responsible and caring citizens. Serving North Mississippi since 1996, the organization reaches more than 2,000 youth annually through Clubhouse locations in New Albany, Oxford, Ripley and Tupelo. For more information on Boys and Girls Clubs of North Mississippi, please visit