Breast cancer awareness luncheon draws large audience

Breast Awareness

The free breast cancer awareness luncheon, an annual event sponsored by Baptist Memorial Hospital-Union County, drew near capacity attendance Wednesday, Oct. 10. Lunch was served to 150 guests in the fellowship hall of Hillcrest Baptist Church.

breast cancer awareness

Dr. Justin Lohmeier, Chief Radiologist at Bapist-Union County Hospital, discussed 3-D Mammography.

The main speaker for the occasion was Justin Lohmeier, M.D., the chief of radiology at Baptist-Union County. Dr. Lohmeier discussed 3D mammography. The technology is available at Baptist Union County and offers the patient many advantages over the two dimensional mammography that was formerly standard technology for breast cancer diagnosis. Benefits of three dimensional mammography include more accurate detection, earlier diagnosis, better detection in women with dense breast tissue, and increased comfort and minimal radiation exposure.

Baptist Memorial Hospital-Union County has become a regional leader in cancer treatment and opened its state-of-the-art Cancer Center more than two years ago. Kim Hardin, who manages daily operations at the Baptist Cancer Center, spoke to the luncheon group. A gifted vocalist, she also entertained with a song.

breast cancer awareness

Ramona Hood, of Ecru, is a breast cancer survivor.

Ramona Hood, a breast cancer survivor from Ecru, spoke to the group about her own experience with a breast cancer diagnosis, treatment and successful cure.

Awareness plays a highly important role in the fight against breast cancer, which is the second leading cause of cancer death for women in the United States. The earlier breast cancer is found, the better the chance of survival.

Randy White, CNO Administration at Baptist, spoke to the group and presided over a drawing in which door prizes were award.

breast cancer awareness

Randy White, Chief Nursing Officer, Baptist Union County.

Baptist Union County, the recipient of many awards and accolades, was most recently recognized by Premier as one of only three hospitals in the nation that achieved top performance in all seven of the areas measured in Premier’s Quest collaborative. The hospital was awarded the Outstanding Patient Experience Award by Healthgrades and was named a Top Performer on Key Quality Measures® by The Joint Commission, the leading accreditor of health care organizations in America, in 2018.

Baptist Union County offers a variety of health care services, including adult and pediatric inpatient services, labor and delivery, cancer center, outpatient surgery and a 24-hour expanded emergency room. The hospital also offers telemedicine and comprehensive diagnostic services, including an American College of Radiology- Accredited Breast Care Center of Excellence.

For more information on the Baptist Hospital Union County Canacer Center: