Career & Technical students achieve 100% on National Certification exam
New Albany School of Career & Technical Education Health Science II students received a 100% passing score on the NCHSE (National Consortium for Health Science Education) National Certification Exam. Their instructor is Mrs. April Voyles.
Pictured (l-r) Front Row: Janea Hudson, Darcy Garrett, Annie-Laurie Nieminen, Anniston Hodges, Brooklyn Hunt, Sami Callahan, Maddie Smith; back Row (l-r): Bridget Franks, Hayes Hemby, Noah Downs, Juan Luna, Madeline Whisenant, Jadyn Smith, and Catherine Vazquez-Arrezola. Not Pictured: Victoria Harmon and Justis Kimmons.
Melanie Shannon
New Albany Schools
“Preparing ALL for Success”