Cats, squirrels and politics

NEMiss.News Squirrel watching


We very recently downsized into a much smaller home, along with one dog and three cats.

As any true cat lover knows, no two are the same, and introducing new members into the mix is often an exercise fraught with frustration and second thoughts.

NEmiss Lilith just hangin'

Lilith just hangin’

Anyway, it’s been that way at our house since we brought in Lilith, 16 years ago. Tossed from a car in front of our house at about 6 weeks of age, she weighed less than a pound, was covered in fleas, and her solid white coat was a very dirty gray.

NEMiss.News Busty's raspberry

Busty’s raspberry

However, Lilith was (and is) indomitable. She quickly usurped the alpha cat position from Margo and Poe, who had cheerfully shared it for several years. She was (and is) both extremely “intelligent” and amazingly athletic. Over the years, she’s had no problem holding on to the throne. She is (and will remain) the queen. There’s been no competition from Busty, her feline partner for about 10 years.

A year ago this past December, we rescued Umbra, now two. She has morphed into a solid gray beauty with very green eyes – a truly cool cat with a very laid back personality. She and Lilith have butted heads since day one, due far more to Lilith’s paranoia than to Umbra’s dream of succession to the throne.

NEMiss.News Umbra just coolin' it

Umbra just coolin’ it

Our current home has far less space, many fewer windows and two less levels than our previous home. Going forward, sharing spaces will be mandatory for all the inhabitants. Today brought a glimmer of hope for the future.

Upon entering one of the bedrooms, Lilith immediately sensed that Umbra, sitting at an open window, had spied something very interesting in the yard. She jumped to the tabletop, glanced outside to confirm her suspicions, and settled down right next to her year-long opponent to watch two squirrels brave the rain in search of a meal. The show lasted about ten peaceful minutes.

It is known to be a fact that “politics makes strange bedfellows.” So does squirrel watching.

Cats and squirrels and politics (Kenny S Studio):