City Beautification committee meeting minutes, January 26, 2016


City Beautification

January 26, 2016


Members present were Jeff Olson, Jane Ford, Jean Ashcraft, Christy Livingston, Sandy Shaddinger, and Vickie Duke.

Vickie called the meeting to order.

The City Beautification minutes were reviewed.  Jeff Olson made a motion to approve minutes. Christy Livingston seconded and the motion carried.

City Beautification Awards:

Due to the winter weather awards will start back in March. Paul & Janice Nolan will receive the City Beautification Award for March.

Building Lights:

Vickie reported all the bulbs have been replaced with LED bulbs. Also, a few of the sockets was not working. I was able to order individual sockets that the NALG&W was able to replace.

Christmas Campaign:

Vickie had examples of Christmas decorations from both Temple Displays and Downtown Decorations.  Temple Display has their Christmas decorations for 33% off until February 29.  All the committee members liked the snowflake ornaments for the poles throughout downtown and the Tallahatchie River Bridge along with the matching skyline.  The committee discussed possible fundraising opportunities to help with the cost.

New Business:

Corner of Glade & Apple:

Jeff Olson will check with the school board about how to proceed with this project.


The next meeting is February 23, 2015 at 9:00 a.m.