City Board hears Gary Cooper’s digital sign request, discusses fingerprinting fee, other routine business

NEMiss.News Gary Cooper addresses City Board



On May 2, 2023, a regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen for the City of New Albany was held in the City Hall Boardroom. Gary Cooper made a personal appearance to appeal a sign variance request at 1112 Wesson Tate Drive to replace the current billboard with a digital one. The New Albany Light Gas and Water received authorization on various pay requests, change orders, bids and engineering services for municipal building renovation, pump station rehab, substation relay panels, automated metering infrastructure project, and PHMSA pipeline replacement grant.

The Police Department has permission to purchase the Idemia Quote system for various tasks. Data will be stored in municipal, state and FBI databases. The system cost is $25,396.00, and requires a maintenance fee or contract warranty after the first year. The Drug Fund could finance this payment. As the Police Department offers countrywide fingerprinting without charge, the Sheriff proposed implementing a fee to retrieve the cost. Consequently, the board agreed to purchase the Idemia scanner and the fee will be discussed later. On June 5, 2023, the Fire Department will promote Hunter Burke to Shift Lieutenant who will transfer to station 1, B shift. Jared Dillard will be promoted to Engineer, Driver/Operator and assigned to station 1, B shift. Furthermore, Caleb Burns will join the fire department as a firefighter, and several shift assignments will be adjusted due to these promotions.

The Building Inspector/Zoning Administrator provided the Monthly Report to the Mayor and Alderman. The board approved routine matters under the Consent Agenda. A correction was made to April 2023 Claims Docket B, and April 4 and April 19, 2023 Minutes were also approved. The Mayor and Aldermen discussed the Abby Manufacturing Lease Payment Agreements under the Action Agenda. The meeting was adjourned until Tuesday, June 6, 2023.

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–Kendall Stancil