Current City Board sped through its last meeting as voters elected new members

city board

The New Albany City Board of Aldermen needed just 12 minutes to work through a 22-item agenda Tuesday evening, June 6th.

Only two city department heads gave reports at the board’s regular June meeting:

  • Bill Mattox, manager of the city-owned New Albany Lights, Gas and Water (NALGW), reported on his department’s actions following the windstorm Saturday night, May 27th.

Thousands of NALGW customers lost power during the big storm. Mattox said Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) managers told him New Albany had the most damage to its electrical system of any city in the several counties pounded by the storm. Wind speeds of 70 miles per hour were reported. Many utility poles were knocked down, and hundreds of trees were uprooted or severely damaged, which brought down many miles of power lines.

Mattox said several days ago all NALGW electrical customers had power restored within less than 72 hours. He said repair crews from Tupelo and other area electrical systems helped extensively in the fast re-building of New Albany’s electrical power grid.

Mattox said New Albany residents were patient and helpful during the repair work. He said local restaurants, churches, and individuals kept repair crews well fed with donated meals during the repair work.

“We are thankful we had no injuries to customers or crews,” said Mattox.

  • Eric Thomas, the city code enforcement officer, told the city board his office had received 11 requests to have abandoned cars towed away. The board approved all 11.

The board conducted its routine business including paying the bills and approving the minutes of its May meeting.

The board also approved ad valorem tax relief for Diversity Vuteq, Sugaree’s, Albany Industries, VIP Cinema, Emerald Mfg., Metal Impact, LLC, and Cooper Electrical Controls.

As usual, the board went into an “executive session” and the public was required to leave the meeting room.

For Municipal Election results and new Board make-up.