New Albany City Board Nov. 7, the rest of the story
Although the debate about kratom dominated the meeting, the New Albany Board of Aldermen did conduct other business at its Nov. 7, meeting. [See link below to the story posted earlier about the kratom arguments.]
In a city board meeting earlier this year, First Ward Alderman Amy Livingston volunteered to take on the project of reviewing and re-writing the city’s troublesome sign ordinance. She told the board Tuesday evening that, having worked with a number of people on the ordinance, she had produced what she called a “rough” draft for a new sign ordinance. She said she had emailed copies of the sign ordinance draft to all aldermen and other relevant city officials.
In other significant business, the board heard from Bill Mattox, the general manager of the city-owned New Albany Lights, Gas and Water (NALGW). Mattox said the water department was finishing up flushing of water lines on the west side of town. The board voted unanimously to approve Mattox’s request to purchase one (1) new one-ton truck and two (2) new one-half ton trucks to be used in NALGW operations.
Police Chief Chris Robertson told the board he had arranged for city law enforcement and emergency personnel to receive a supply of naloxone hydrochloride (Narcan). Naloxone is used for the emergency treatment of patients who have overdosed on opioids. It has been available and used by medical personnel as an injection for over 50 years and has been used many thousands of times as an emergency life-saving drug. It has been available in an inhalable dose for a relatively short while. Protocols allow the inhalant form of naloxone to be administered immediately by trained emergency personnel.
The board also conducted routine city business including approving the payment of bills, approval of the minutes of past board meetings, etc.
To see the Board’s discussions of kratom: November 7 meeting, Part I