National Garden Club Week June 7-13

A Perspective on the Benefits of Garden Clubs in a Community

By Billye Jean Stroud, President New Albany Garden Club


There are many answers to the question, why are garden clubs important to a community? Even though it’s not something you will get paid for, the benefits are actually greater than the money itself. We are very fortunate in New Albany to have three very successful and active garden clubs; Northside Garden Club, Dogwood Garden Club and New Albany Garden Club. This alone speaks volumes for our community and the people that have chosen to live and volunteer here.

To Improve Community Life

One good reason why garden clubs are important is that they go a long way towards creating a healthy community. A group willing to take part in tidying up their community and surrounding areas, promote cleanliness and beauty. This in turn helps the community to find motivation to combat pollution and trash. It encourages more people to take an active part in cleaning up. In the end, everyone benefits from it.

Of course, this isn’t just limited to cleaning the environment. Those who willingly take part in tree planting, animal caring and so on also contribute to the betterment of society.

To Give Back

Another reason why volunteering to be a part of a garden club is important is that it showcases someone’s gratitude. Someone who volunteers their time for the betterment of a museum, neighborhood or greenspace is a way of saying thank you for the opportunity to live in a safe, clean, beautiful community that offers cultural and educational things to do. There will be no financial rewards. But the joy you can bring to others will be priceless.

Things are Done More Effectively

When people get together, the job or assignment becomes easier to do. It doesn’t matter what the job on hand is. When individuals work together, most of the difficulties will be erased. Without any help, work becomes a lot harder and more time consuming. Most municipalities operate on a very tight budget. Anytime a volunteer group like garden clubs can pitch in and do work that otherwise have to be hired out then it’s a win for everyone involved.

You Get Connected to Other People

When you take part in these activities, you get closer to people. You come to know your friends even better. You will make new acquaintances also.

It Emboldens the Human Spirit

The selfless act of helping a person / cause / nature provides a spiritual boost as well. Knowing you did something good for someone or some cause is an emotionally uplifting experience that can never be matched by money or fame. It is not a glamorous job, but most who have tried it will tell you that the experience is a positive one.

So as we begin to recognize National Garden Club week I encourage you to do something for your community that will help keep it clean and beautiful for many years and for generations to enjoy.