City school district ending year on strong financial note
The New Albany Municipal Separate School District is ending the year on a good financial basis, although the district has consistently done well in terms of budgeting.
Director of Accounting Services Suzanne Coffey said the district has collected 88 percent of its budgeted revenue and only about dispersed about 73 percent of planned expenditures.
She said part of this is due to the changes brought about by the COVID pandemic, resulting in lower electricity, natural gas and fuel costs. She added that tax collections are already at 99 percent and more will be collected through August.
Although it is a couple of months away, the public hearing on next year’s budget will be at 5 p.m. Aug. 3, before the regular trustees’ meeting.
On Monday, trustees approved a list of service agreements for the coming year. Most, if not all, are routine and have been used in the past concerning technology and health.
They also approved the dual credit agreements between the school district and both Northeast Mississippi Community College and Blue Mountain College.
In a financial matter, the board approved using BNA Bank as depository for the period from July 1 to June 30, 2022 with the option of up to two one-year renewal at an interest rate of 0.31 percent.
Board member David Rainey recused himself from the discussion and vote because of family ties to the bank. Jill Shaw, who has recused herself in similar situations for that reason, was not present at the meeting.
Trustees also routinely approved the agreements with the Career and Technical Center, New Albany-Union County School Bus Shop and NASTUC alternative school.
Among consent items, trustees again will allow the New Albany Shockers Football Youth Program to use Kitchens Field for up to four home games as long as there are no scheduling conflicts with high school games. The Shockers will be responsible for fees, painting, cleanup and showing proof of insurance.
In personnel, trustees approved:
- The resignation of Margaret Floyd, director of child nutrition, central office, effective at the end of the school year due to retirement.
- The resignation of Susan Kelly, teacher, New Albany Elementary School, effective at the end of the school year.
- The resignation of Callie Broom, teacher, New Albany Elementary School, effective at the end of the school year.
- The resignation of Rebekah Wiseman, teacher, New Albany Elementary School, effective at the end of the school year.
- The resignation of Amy Welborn, media specialist, New Albany High School, effective at the end of the school year.
- The resignation of Chris Russell, Esport, New Albany High School.
- The Resignation of Nathan Waycaster, assistant band director, New Albany High and Middle Schools, effective at the end of the school year.
- The resignation of Joshua Presley, assistant boys basketball coach, New Albany High School, effective at the end of the school year.
- The resignation of Joshua Presley, teacher, assistant football, base ball coach, New Albany Middle School, effective at the end of the school year.
- Hiring Jake Miller, instructional technology coach, central office.
- Hiring Hope Bradley, interventionist, New Albany High School.
- Hiring Danny Elzie, custodian, New Albany High School.
- Hiring Joshua Barnett, assistant boys basketball coach, New Albany High School. Hiring Joshua Barnett, teacher, New Albany Middle School.
- Hiring Shelby Pierce Cary, teacher, New Albany Elementary School.
- Hiring Holley Burks, teacher, New Albany Elementary School.
- Hiring Jessica Nanney, teacher, New Albany Elementary School.
- Hiring Danica Buchanan, teacher assistant, New Albany Elementary School.
The next scheduled meeting of the New Albany school board will be at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, July 1, in the high school media center. This is a change from the usual Monday meeting day because of the July 4 holiday the following weekend.