Reception to mark civic center 20th anniversary

The Magnolia Civic Center is celebrating its 20thanniversary this year.

The civic center board of directors is inviting everyone to an anniversary reception and open house at the facility Thursday, Dec. 19, from 10:30 a.m. until noon.

The building began its life as the Magnolia Movie Theater in 1948 and was renovated and reopened as the Cine’ in the 1960s.

The movie house eventually closed in the 1990s but in 1998 the Stephens Family and Bill Harwell donated the theater and adjoining building to the city. After that, BNA Bank, which owned the building where the Magnolia Room is now, agreed to let that be part of the complex and renovation project.

Since then, the theatre part of the complex has seen several additions and renovation efforts and over the years new equipment has been added.

Just recently the civic center had new stage curtains installed and the interior lighting was updated to LED rather than incandescent fixtures.

The theatre is home to the Tallahatchie River Players and a series of regular annual events such as ballet, theatre productions by the Union County School District, fundraisers for New Haven Center for Special Needs Adults and others. A variety of other events and programs are held in the main theatre space as well and in the Magnolia Room.

The facility is administered by the Magnolia Civic Center Board of Directors.