Civic center getting improvements to stage, back stage area


The Ted McClure Construction Company is making improvements to the Magnolia Civic Center stage area.

The front of the stage is being extended for more usability, is being given a more aesthetic profile and the steps up to the stage will be recessed.

In addition to adding more stage space, the work includes strengthening the stage so a lift can be used on it safely and adding a layer of plywood.

Other improvements include adding a rollup door to the backstage area for loading and unloading, removing an unneeded door and adding a ground-level door to the storage area beneath the back stage. Currently, access to the storage area is through a hole in the floor in the dressing room area, which has been deemed both impractical and potentially dangerous.

With the lifting on pandemic restrictions, civic center manager Emily Draffen has been increasing the number of events at the facility.

Upcoming events include a creative playmaking summer camp for youths July 19-23, a murder mystery dinner (to be held this time at the Union County Heritage Museum, Hee Haw Aug. 13 and 14, and Brennan Villines Quartet presents The Jazz Age Aug. 28.

Building Inspector Eric Thomas talks with Ted McClure