Community Development planning annual spring city cleanup for March
It may not feel like it now, but Spring is just around the corner and with it will come New Albany/Union County’s Spring Cleanup event.
On Saturday, March 20, Main Street is calling for volunteers to meet at the Union County Heritage Museum by 9 a.m. where they will distribute garbage bags and assign groups to specific streets or areas for litter removal. Volunteers will be asked to remove litter from city streets and public spaces until noon at which time all volunteers are invited back to the Union County Heritage Museum where the Northside Garden Club will provide lunch.
Also getting involved is the Union County Library System.
In anticipation of the event, Sissy Bullock and her team are featuring children’s books focused on the environment, trash, cleaning up, and pitching in. The hope is to engage citizens of all ages.
Billye Jean Stroud, Director of Community Development, is passionate about boosting community awareness on the topic. “A cleanup can bring about a sense of community and responsibility to keep our homes and common areas safe, clean and beautiful,” she said.
Volunteers are encouraged to call the Main Street office at (662) 534-3438 with any questions about the event.