Community Health Fair offers free information, screening, vaccines, goodies worth many $$
True, New Albany’s weather on Thursday, October 5, 2023 was a bit misty and dreary between 7am and 9am. But that did not hamper the tremendous volume of information on health care services gathered there under one large white tent. It was the annual Community Health Fair, hosted by Baptist Hospital-Union County on its parking lot.
As Baptist Union County’s CEO and Administrator Ann Bishop says, “We are committed to improving the collective health of the community as well as reducing health disparities.
To that end, Baptist enlisted the help of community resources dedicated to providing healthcare from maternity through hospice services. Literally, from the cradle to the grave. They came with knowledge, carry-out information, testing supplies, goodies and the desire to improve local healthcare and lives. This is but one of several special healthcare events that Baptist-Union County provides free to the public.
Those who partook of the available resources received free health care services, screenings and vaccines that would have cost many dollars and taken much more time in other settings.
Check out a few scenes from this year’s Community Health Fair.