Congressman Kelly to award Congressional Gold Medal honoring Embra Jackson, Sr.

NEMiss.News Montford Point Marines, 2017


TUPELO – On Saturday, October 30, U.S. Congressman Trent Kelly will award the Congressional Gold Medal to the family of the late World War II Veteran Embra Jackson, Sr. Mr. Jackson was among the first of more than 20,000 African Americans who enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps during World War II. The Congressional Gold Medal is the nation’s highest civilian honor.

When:  4:30

Where: First United Methodist Church in Wesley Hall, 412 West Main Street, Tupelo, MS, 38804

NEMiss.News Montford Point Marines

A group of Montford Point volunteers in their dress uniforms

Who were the Montford Point Marines?:

Embra Jackson, Sr. entry in Congressional Record