County board 1 Oct. 2018: Quick meeting handles routine business
County Board 1 Oct. 2018 – The Union County Board of Supervisors handled routine business in a 25-minute meeting, Monday, Oct. 1, 2018.
The board approved its September meeting minutes and payment of invoices from vendors and suppliers for the month of September.
The Road Department work schedule was approved as was the solid waste register.
The board approved payment for court bailiffs and two longevity pay increases for two officers of the sheriff’s department.
The supervisors approved payment of routine fees to the medical examiner, to county election commissioners, and to the circuit clerk for work as registrar.
Robert Hayes complained that a contractor hired by the county to kill weeds with a herbicide had sprayed and killed flowers and other planting on his property. Hayes said he had “no spray” signs on some of his property but not in all places where he says desirable plants have been killed. Board President Steve Watson said he would personally inspect the damage alleged by Hayes.
The county board will meet again at 10 a.m., Monday, October 15, 2018.