County Board elects new president, conducts much routine business at first 2023 meeting

NEMiss.News County Board, January 3, 2023


The Union County Board of Supervisors met January 3, 2023.

It being the first meeting of the new year, the board accepted the resignation of board president C. J. Bright. The board unanimously elected District 2 Supervisor Chad Coffey as board president for the coming year.

The board allocated second quarter budgets for the Tax Collector, Sheriff’s Department and Jail, and appointed a new Public Defender for Circuit Court. The allocated budget amounts are as follows: Tax Collector – $184,199.67; Sheriff’s Department – $774,261.67; and Jail – $410,637.33. Mark McClinton will replace Mason Wages in the role of Public Defender for Circuit Court.

The consent agenda that included Sheriff’s Department and Jail, meal log for jail, claims docket payments and board minutes from December was unanimously approved.

Additionally, a road department work schedule for January 2023 was approved, as well as approval of solid waste register and medical examiner statement of fees (14).

The County Administrator was authorized to loan funds from the General Fund to Help MS Vote Fund, in anticipation of grant proceeds in the amount $98,907.50. Amendments to budget for Election Support Funds were also approved, with an additional $26,761.78. An additional $2,050 for December 2022 & January 2023 (totaling at $4100) was approved for Skinner & Ellis Properties MDHS programs.

In matters of the Sheriff’s Department, the board passed approvals of payroll authorizations for Alec Lipsey to switch from full-time to part-time Jailer and Joshua A. Jones as a new hire as full-time Jailer, both effective January 3rd. Additionally, Terrica Smith was approved as a new hire as part-time Dispatcher, also effective January 3rd.

Furthermore, quotes for roofing work on the Sheriff’s Department were discussed with two bids received — B&C’s quote for $51,300 and Dewees and Swearingen Roofing and Remodeling’s quote for $43,450. The board voted in favor of going with the lowest bid of $43,450 from Dewees and Swearingen Roofing and Remodeling.

The Road Department supervisors authorized the transfer of Solid Waste Foreman David Self from Solid Waste to the Road Department. The board also authorized new employment for Robert Carlisle in the Solid Waste Department and discussed employment to replace Solid Waste Foreman David Self.

In the next 30 days, the county is going to start removing any old bins, totes, freezers, etc. that have been on the road right of way. Only county furnished carts or ones similar to those furnished will  be acceptable for solid waste collection.

The board then adjourned until Tuesday, January 16th 2023.

~ Kendall Stancil


Video of complete January 3, 2023, County Board Meeting: