County Supervisors discuss medical marijuana, set public hearing date

NEMiss.News County Supervisors' meeting 4-4-2022



By Kenny Stancil

Medical marijuana, employee insurance and the third quarter budget were among the items discussed by the Union County Board of Supervisors at the April 4 meeting.

The meeting started off with the discussion of life and dental insurance for county employees. It would be in effect from April 1st and was approved.

The board then allocated one-fourth of the annual budget for the third quarter of the year. The breakdown was as follows:
• Tax assessors\Collector $188,300;
• The Sheriff’s Office 711,012; and the
• Union County Jail $448,790.

The supervisors discussed Three Rivers Planning and Development District being able to destroy old solid waste fee billing records. These records can be destroyed as long as it is done in accordance with the Department of Archives and History Retention Schedules for the 2015- 2016 fiscal year.

A resolution was passed to perform drainage work on the private property adjacent to County Road 52 located in District 1. A notice of public hearing scheduled for May 2nd was approved along with the resolution.

Board President C. J. Bright read out the items on the consent agenda. These items are from March 2022. They consist of the:
• Statement of Expenditures for the Tax Office;
• Statement of Expenditures for the Sheriff’s Department and Jail;
• The Jail Meal Log;
• Claims Docket payments and
• Board Minutes from March 2022.
• Road Department work schedule for April 2022;
• The Solid Waste registry and
• The Medical Examiner Statement of fees.
The board unanimously approved the items on the Consent Agenda.

The Board approved payments for the Union County Circuit Clerk.
• The first payment was for $925 to the Circuit Clerk for the First Grand Jury of the Circuit Court.
• The next payment was for $400 to the Circuit Clerk for services as registrar
(under Miss. Code Ann.23-15-225).
• The final payment was for $400 to the Election Commissioners for per diem days earned
Union County Tax assessors/Collectors Office received approval for the surrender tag list for March 2022.

Approval was also given for a reimbursement of $106.11 from the General Fund to Bennett Hill for a purchase made at the land auction in 2019.

Union County EMA/E911 got approval for an inventory deletion of a laptop.

Curt Clayton discussed with the board about setting an E-911 address Diversity Vuteq. Clayton sad he needs approval first, because the road had to be extended 300 feet before he could give the location an address. A grant has been applied for that would cover the cost of the 300 feet of road needed. Some board members asked for more clarity on the situation. Bright read the proposal from the City of New Albany. It stated that 300 feet would be added to South Munsford Dr. This is what is being required to get the address for the building. The proposal also stated the plans for the road construction at the Munsford Dr. and Hwy 30 intersection. The board approved the E-911 address.

The Union County Justice Court received approval to switch to direct deposit with Court Solutions for received credit card payments. This switch has no cost to the county. The court already has an ongoing contract with Court Solutions. Approval was passed for Sarah Gregory to be placed on the Justice Court checking account.

The board approved a payroll authorization for Stacy Ellen as a part time jailor and for Caleb Christopher Keller as a part time jailor. A longevity pay increase for Odessa Nesbit was approved.

Sheriff Jimmy Edwards spoke to the Board of Supervisors about the upcoming decision the county will make concerning medical marijuana. The sheriff said he has received calls from within the community asking if he could speak to the board about opting out. The board attorney, Chandler Rogers asked the board for approval to set a date for a public hearing. The board set a hearing at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, April 26, to hear public comments about how the county will approach the legal sale of medical marijuana.

The next regular meeting of Union County Board of Supervisors meeting will be Monday, April 18th, 2022. at 10:00 AM.