Darryl Patton to present Southern Herbals Lecture at Museum
Well known herbalist Darryl Patton will hold a morning plant walk starting 9:30, (weather permitting), a museum lecture at noon and medicinal plant beginner workshop at 1:30 at museum. Cost is $25 for walk/ workshop. Noon lecture is free.
Light lunch is provided
Preregistration and payment needed for workshop. Call 662-538-0014 or email jill@ucheritagemuseum.com.
Bring pen and notebook or recording device – lots to learn!
Darryl Patton has been hunting, gathering and working with medicinal plants for the past 31 years on Lookout Mountain in the Southern Appalachians. Darryl is an ND as well as a Master Herbalist and brings many years of experience to the field of alternative medicine.
For 12 years, Darryl was privileged to spend thousands of hours studying under the late A. L. “Tommie” Bass, one of the last of the old mountain herb doctors. Known internationally among herbalists as well as the common folk living near Lookout Mountain, Alabama, Tommie Bass used his God-given ability and vast knowledge of medical herbs to help thousands of people from all walks of life. https://thesouthernherbalist.com/bio.html