NA dog park partially completed at tennis complex
The City of New Albany has a new dog park – almost.
The need for a dog park has been discussed for several years and officials finally decided to formally go ahead earlier this year.
Initial plans called for the dog park to be in a section of the Park Along the River behind the former Fred’s building. However, that area is prone to flooding and it was deemed too costly to either raise the level of the area or provide adequate drainage.
Instead, officials decided to create the dog park beside the tennis complex at the back of Tallahatchie Trails. The land is drier and the city only had to add fences on three sides by attaching it to the existing fence around the tennis courts.
The dog park is not formally open, Community Development Director Billye Jean Stroud said, because they need to get some benches, tables, dog clean-up stations and other amenities. She hopes that some will be donated, perhaps to honor someone who is or has been a strong advocate for animals.
Stroud said people can use the park but they must be prepared to clean up after their pets and make sure that all gates are closed.