NEMiss.News Everlena Smith 100th Birthday party

Everlena Smith 100 years, 9-27-2024.

On Friday September 27, 2024, Everlena (Muah) Smith will be 100 years of age. On Saturday September 21, Everlena’s family and friends gathered from far and wide at the New Albany Boys and Girls Club to celebrate her life. What follows is a pictorial gallery (in no particular order) of the large gathering.

Purple was the color of the day. There were many tables nicely decorated for the occasion, and many, many chairs. Yet, it appeared that some of the bleacher seating would still be needed. This is a very large family, with a lot of friends.


Everlena arrived dressed like a queen, complete with tiara and her royal smile. She was wheeled around the room to meet and greet before settling in at her table for the festivities. There was to be lots of food, fun and fellowship.

Happy Birthday, Everlena! We trust there will be many more. (For more of Everlena’s story, see the link below the photo gallery for a story posted earlier on NEMiss.News.)

Mamie Everlena (Muah) Smith to be 100 on September 27,2024:

More about Everlena Smith’s first 100 years: 


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