Farmers’ market coming back but will be curbside this year
Community Development Director Billye Jean Stroud said that some changes are coming to the farmers’ market this year. The COVID pandemic interrupted it this past year and is causing some changes, but others are because of patrons’ comments.
This year’s version will be called the Community Curbside Market and will be more informal.
It will be held in the library parking lot and the official days will be Thursdays, from 4 to 6:30 p.m. each week. The dates are June 3 through Aug. 26.
“Vendors are welcome and there is no fee,” she said. “Tents are welcome but not required.”
The market is still geared toward local buyers and sellers, but not just for produce.
“The city of New Albany would also like to invite local artists, food trucks, musicians, and makers,” she said. “We want this to be a fun and casual community gathering!”
For more information call 662-534-1916 or email