New Albany Fire Department responds to fire alarm at the jail

fire alarm at the jail

A reported fire at the Union County Jail sent New Albany fire fighters to the lockup on Carter Avenue about 5 pm Sunday, July 15.

Two units of the New Albany Fire Department (NAFD) responded to the fire alarm at the jail.

“The fire department was dispatched to a confirmed fire in the back area of the jail with alarms sounding,” said NAFD Deputy Chief Mark Whiteside.

“Upon arrival and entry we found that the fire was out, but there was fire damage to an electrical outlet in one of the pods were prisoners were held.”

Personnel of the Union County Sheriff’s Department had removed all prisoners from the area by the time fire fighters arrived. There were no injuries.

“We checked the structure for any extension of heat and found none,” said Whiteside. “There was no damage other than that to the outlet.”

Electricity to the area was turned off and prisoners were kept in another unit until an electrician could examine the area and isolate the problem.