Five area Boy Scouts earn Eagle


Luke Bolen, Lewis Creekmore, John Davis, Eli Parks, and Tucker Shannon, members of First United Methodist Church Boy Scout Troop #17 have earned the honor of Eagle Scout, the highest rank that the Boy Scouts offers. These young men were honored in a formal Court of Honor ceremony at First United Methodist Church on August 28.

Court of Honor ceremony at First United Methodist Church honored new Eagle Scouts, L-R: Luke Bolen, Eli Parks, Tucker Shannon, John Davis, Lewis Creekmore

Court of Honor ceremony at First United Methodist Church honored new Eagle Scouts, L-R: Luke Bolen, Eli Parks, Tucker Shannon, John Davis, Lewis Creekmore (click to enlarge/download)

To be an Eagle Scout, a boy has to advance through five ranks; be an experienced camper and hiker; know basic first aid; know how to tie all seven boy scout knots; provide service hours to the community; earn at least twenty-one merit badges; hold a significant leadership position within the troop; and complete a significant service project for his school, church, or community.

Bolen is a freshman at New Albany High and the son of Kevin and Jennifer Bolen.  For his Eagle Scout service project, he renovated the children’s room at the Union County Department of Child Protection Services office.

Creekmore is an eighth grader at New Albany Middle and the son of Sam and Warner Creekmore.  For his service project, he constructed Bailey chairs to donate to the Union County Humane Society and the Mississippi State University Veterinary School.

Davis is a freshman at New Albany High and the son of Joe and Jennie Davis.  His Eagle project included the construction of wheelchair accessible picnic tables and landscaping for the pavilion on the campus of New Albany Middle School.

Parks is also a freshman at New Albany High and the son of Robert and Lillian Parks.   Planning for and erecting a flag pole on the campus of New Albany Middle School was Eli’s Eagle Scout project.

Shannon, a freshman at New Albany High, is the son of James and Melanie Shannon.  Tucker’s Eagle Scout project provided a hiking experience and outdoors activities for boys with special needs at the Park Along the River.