Food fermentation class set at museum July 31

A class is food fermentation is being offered at the Union County Heritage Museum  Friday, July 31, 10 a.m. Laura Dobbs, RDN (nutritionist and cultured food enthusiast will teach the class, which is little bit of history, health, microbiology, and culinary arts all wrapped up into one. Laura has a large family and wanted to have a cheaper alternative than having her family on probiotic pills daily, so she learned how to culture probiotic food and drinks at home.

Students will learn preparing and taste testing: kombucha, kefir, sauerkraut, cultured vegetables or pickles, and water kefir (soda alternative)

Cost: $40 (about the price of a single bottle of name-brand probiotics)

Class spaces are limited and masks and social distancing is required.

Culturing and fermenting foods was a form of safe food preservation and an art that has existed since ancient times, yet was almost lost in our modern culture due to refrigeration and modern canning. It is being popularly revived because many realize that we Americans are literally sick and dying from lack of intake of these beneficial microbes.

Science shows that about 80% of the immune system comes from the gut. If the gut is not thriving, then defenses against infections and chronic illnesses are also low.

Testing has shown that each bite of cultured food can contain up to trillions of about 30+ strains of beneficial bacteria. To compare, most probiotic supplements only contain 1 to 20 billion, and 1 to 15 strains.

Class must be paid in advance by Thursday, July 30
Refunds are possible.

Participants can pay the museum in advance or they can register online through eventbrite on the museum’s Facebook Page.