Get READY, get SET, before you GO! to the polls on November 7th
At NEMiss.News we hope that many Mississippians who have not turned out to vote in recent elections will go to the polls this year. For the first time in many years, there is a clear line drawn as to the records of the candidates in the governor’s race. One candidate has, without a doubt, served with indisputable integrity for many years with only one result- improving the lives of all Mississippians. The other candidate hasn’t.
No matter what candidate you wish to support on election day, you must ensure that you are properly prepared to vote.
- If you have never registered to vote, you must do so before October 9.
- If you have missed voting in several elections or have changed voting precincts, check before October 9th to make sure you able to vote this year.
Here are a few important deadlines that are coming up fast:
- Election Day: Tuesday November 7, 2023.
- Last day to register to vote: October 9, 2023. See details below.
- Absentee voting begins Monday September 25, 2023. See details below
Last day for VOTER REGISTRATION : October 9, 2023
- The Circuit Clerk’s office in the Union County Courthouse is open 8am-5pm Monday – Friday for voter registration.
- An extra new voter registration day: Saturday October 7, 2023, 8am – 12 noon in the Clerk’s office in the courthouse.
- The Clerk’s office in the Courthouse will be open on Columbus day (October 9th) for the last day of voter registration.
- New registrations returned by mail will be accepted if postmarked by October 10th, since October 9th is a post office holiday.
What “proof” to bring with you to the Circuit Clerk’s office before October 9th:
- NEW VOTERS: one proof of identity (driver’s license or social security number (you do not need to have your actual SS card)
- VOTERS MOVED to new voting precinct: no proof needed, just provide your new address and get new registration card.
Absentee* voting:
- Requesting of absentee ballot begins: Monday, September 25 through November 4, 2023
- Disabled persons unable to come to the courthouse may call the Clerk’s office at (662) 534-1910 to have ballots mailed to them. Do this early, as you must completed the ballots and postmark them by election day, November 7 (to be received by November 14).
- All Absentee Ballots returned by mail must be postmarked by by election day, November 7 (to be received by November 14) to be counted.
- Extra days for Absentee Voting: Saturday October 4th and Saturday November 4th: 8am – 12 noon at the Clerk’s office in the Courthouse.
What to know about Election Day
- Polls are open 7 am to 7 pm.
- You must show a photo ID to vote
- You do not need to declare for a particular political party to vote.
It is the responsibility of each person who wants to vote to make sure they are properly registered.
*Who qualifies to vote absentee in person and who qualifies to vote absentee by mail: