Hot August Night was actually pretty cool

New Albany MS Crossing on the Green Park

The Union County Heritage Museum’s first Hot August Night event drew a good crowd to enjoy a perfect summer night. With temperatures in the low 80s and practically no humidity, it was a rare pleasure in summertime Mississippi.

New Albany MS Hot August night with CLERANCE

The Blues Doctors entertain the Hot August Night crowd, with CLERANCE close behind them.

The crowd roamed the museum grounds visiting friends and looking at the vintage autos. They bought raffle tickets to support the museum. Some bought barbecue and iced tea; others ate and drank from their own coolers. Visiting with friends was high on the activity list, at least until the music cranked up. Door prizes were given away.

Oxford’s Adam Gussow and Alan Gross, better known as The Blues Doctors, were the main performers of the night. It seemed that everyone enjoyed their sound. The Cast of Blues Exhibit at the museum drew a number of visitors, as did the grounds of the Faulkner Garden.

New Albany MS The Blues Doctors at work

The Blues Doctors entertained at Hot August Nights in New Albany.

Mother Nature’s gift for the evening was perfect weather.

But the main venue of the evening was the Crossing on the Green Railroad Park, home of New Albany’s well-known CLERANCE. The park is themed for and built around railroads, paying homage to our town’s heritage. It is a fine place for a group gatherings, as well as a pleasant place to sit alone with a book or a cool drink.

New Albany MS Zack Stewart at Hot August Nights

Zack Stewart enjoying the music in a park where he has donated many hours of labor.

New Albany MS first Hot August Night

A portion of the crowd at Hot August Nights

Museum Director Jill Smith, along with her employees and community partners, produced a very pleasant evening for the community’s enjoyment. There were rumors that there will be more of these evenings in the future, and we hope that is true.

More about Clerance: How Clerance came to the park

Crossing on the Green Park: A nod to New Albany’s railroad heritage